Monday, January 16, 2012

Bootylicious Bug

If Ms. Beyonce doesn't get enough of the spotlight, scientists recently have named a horsefly after the diva. The horsefly was first discovered in Australia in 1981, ironically Queen B's birthyear. The scientific name being Scaptia (Plinthina) beyonceae was named in honor of the insect having a rather large golden derriere. It is considered the "diva" of the insect world. Bryan Lessard, whose work was recently published stated that he hopes she takes the naming as a compliment and shed light in to entomology(the study of insects) and taxonomy(the classification of organisms). Take a look at that bum below...just this one time!
Scaptia (plinthina) beyonceae

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Hello everyone! I apologize for the hiatus...alot has been going on. Coming VERY soon(this weekend) I will be posting about my incredible trip to the Los Angeles zoo. You definitely should look forward to that!

Just for your quick viewing pleasure I have posted some "did you know?!? questions" Take a peak!


1. Approximately 5000-7000 tigers are kept as "pets"-more than that exist in the wild! A tiger can be purchased for as little as $300, less than a purebred dog. (WHOA!...exotic/illegalpet trade)

2. Tarantulas are one of the top most exotic animals to own.

3. Madagascar hissing cockroaches (also a top exotic pet to own) are clean, odorless, harmless and can live for up to 1-3years. Some have been known to live up to 5! (yea....i don't do ANYTHING "cockroachy")

4. Chimpanzees have 7-10 times more strength than humans.

5. I stopped at 4 because that is my favorite number =)

Catch ya next post!