Monday, November 28, 2011

That's a big ole octopus!

The National Zoo located in DC is the new home to a giant Pacific Octopus, the largest species of it's kind. They can grow to be 600 pounds - Imagine seeing that swimming towards you in the water, pretty scary! Octopuses/octopi/octopodes (whichever plural form you prefer) are some of the smartest creatures in the world. Take a peak at some pics below...enjoy!

**Currently the size of the new octopus at the National Zoo is the size of a grapefruit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How much did that cost?!

I know you all have seen the billboards around town publicizing the upcoming movie, "We bought a Zoo". Of course, it caught my great would that be to have your own zoo?! Based on a true story, the movie was shot in Thousand Oaks, CA. I've attached a link below so you all can watch the trailer to see if it's something you might want to go see. (seems like one of those "home-y" warm movies...kind of like Homeward Bound...remember that? good ole Shadow and Chance)

Comes out: December 23rd